Calcarea carbonica also known as lime prepared from the middle layer of oyster shell. From ancient period until now people used lime in several purpose. Lime water mixed with oil used externally to reduce burn pain; as a soothing application to eczema; to correct acidity, lime combination with milk may prevent vomiting in child who are bottle feeding. Dry powder of carbonate mixed with other drugs is also used to control diarrhoea. In Homoeopathy it has several beneficial effects. Calcarea carbonica patient can identify by its body constitution. The person become fatty & flabby, having muscles without strength. But in some case of cal. carb the patient become lean and thin. Profuse sweating in day especially doing work, during sleep. Head sweats profusely in child may wet the pillow. sweat has sour odor. Great desire to eat eggs. Patient become easily fatigue due to lack of strength. Tendency to obesity in youth. Calcarea ca...