CHAMOMILLA (Matricaria chamomilla)

Chamomilla is prepared from a busy plant abundantly grow in paddy and wheat filed. Many people drink chamomile tea. Ancient time; Dr. Anderson found Chamomile tea beneficial for removed night-sweats of phthisis. In Homoeopathy Chamomilla is prepared from whole plant first ground and then mixed with alcohol.

          Chamomilla is characterized by sudden irritability, hypersensitivity, uncivility, spiteful. Chamomilla patients are very much impatient especially in case of pain. They cannot bear pain, comes to the doctor and demands immediate relief. Chamomilla child are peevish, impatient, cross and uncivil. They demand various things, but when offered they reject those and wants a new one. Childs remain quite when carried. It is difficult to handling a Chamomilla child during sick, because they are very much sensitive during disease state and wants immediate relief. So, the child are screams during disease and nothing make them calm.

          This irritability, impatient develops due to oversensitivity of sufferings than normal people. Ailments are related to nerves and emotions. So, Chamomilla is characterized as outwardly ill mannered, but deeply very sensitive.

          Chamomilla complaints are caused by anger, during dentition, taking tobacco, indigestion, pain.

*** Mind symptoms:

Peevish, irritable, cross, repugnant child. Child cries, remain quite when carried. Restless child, wants this and that when offered refuse them. Aversion to talk. When questioned returns uncivil answer. Interrupted while talking. While writing or speaking omitted whole words. Music unbearable to him (Aconite, Graphites). Great impatient, everything wants in order. Mental anguish may cause convulsion.

*** Gastro-intestinal disease:

Chamomilla is useful for treating diarrhoea, abdominal colic. Diarrhoea is resulted by exposure to cold, in child during dentition, taking tobacco. Diarrhoea may occurs towards evening, before midnight, mostly relief from fasting. Stools become greenish as like as chopped grass, watery, corroding, hot and offensive like rotten egg. Diarrhoea may be profuse or scanty in nature with very much straining. Diarrhoea with drinks eagerly. Another Homoeopathic remedy also used in diarrhoea during dentition is Podophyllum. But Podophyllum Diarrhoea aggravates at early morning and regain its natural form in evening. Stools of Podo is profuse, polychromatic and clay like followed by prostration.  

          In case of abdominal colic, pain is unbearable, located around the umbilicus and liver region, may goes upwards, patient is belching malodors. Abdominal colic is relieved by bending forwards like Colocynth. Tongue become yellowish, having bitter taste in the mouth. Abdomen feels heavy, vomiting also taste bitter. Cannot bear hot food and drinks.

*** In toothache:

 Chamomilla toothache occurs in semi-lateral raw of the mouth. Toothache may increase on taking hot water or food, or entering to the hot room. Although all the symptoms of Chamomilla relief on heat but toothache increase in heat. This because nerve endings of the patient when covered become feel good but when exposed its aggravated symptoms. Stitching, tearing pain may felt in teeth. Toothache may relief by taking cold. Toothache especially starts at night and relieved in the morning. Gingivitis with formation of gum abscess also treated with this medicine according to constitutional similarity.

*** In headache:

Chamomilla used in congestive type of headache, headache may increase on thinking or dealing about the sufferings and relief by doing or thinking something else. Headache is found in sensitive women and people, who are over-strained, nervous, excited. Oversensitive patient cannot tolerate pain. Throbbing, tearing, bursting pain during headache. Headache may worse in evening particularly at 9 O’clock at night. Almost all of the symptoms of Chamomilla aggravated at night especially 9 pm.

*** Female genital disease:

Chamomilla prevent threatened abortion that is caused by sudden anger. Chamomilla used in case of false labor pain. Pain may start from lower abdomen and then radiate to back side. Convulsion during pregnancy. Dr. Clarke said that “Chamomilla pains may occur by which the foetus is forced up instead of down.” Chamomilla irregular labor pain occurs due to some fibers of the uterus is contract in one directions and others is another direction, so that uniform and regular contraction cannot take place to sufficient safe delivery. During labor the female become in state of furious. She may talk harshly, drive out the doctor, nurse, but again she calls for her. All of this occurs due to extreme sensitiveness to pain.

          Chamomilla also used for menorrhagia. Excessive uterine bleeding. Blood become bright red in color, hot and passage of clots with it.

*** In earache:

Chamomilla used in otalgia. Earache with sensation as if ear were stopped, and as if birds are chirping in the ear, buzzing in the ear. Inflammatory swelling of neck gland. Thin pus like discharges is coming from ear. With earache child cries with anger.

*** Face:

Chamomilla child have a peculiar face symptom. That one cheek is red and hot and other is cold and pale. Sweating of face, over the nose while eating.  

*** General modalities:

Symptoms are aggravated at night, at 9 pm, during anger, contradiction, in heat, in warm room. Symptoms are relieved on being carried, fasting, warm wet weather.

*** Relations:

          Antidotes: Coffee and the narcotics especially opium.

It is antidoted by: Camphor, Coffee, Nux-vomica.

Complementary: Belladonna, in disease of children.


___Amatul Zami Aditi

Student (final year B.H.M.S.)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.




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