Calendula officinalis is considered as Homoeopathic antiseptic. This medicine is prepared from flowering tops with fresh leaves. Usually, wild flower has more beneficial property then cultivated one. In Homoeopathy Calendula used both internally as potentized form and externally mother tincture is used over open wound as antiseptic to prevent suppuration. From the ancient time until now, this herb is used over the open wound to prevent bleeding. Calendula has triterpenoids and flavonoids chemical components that has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant property that prevent suppuration and prompt healthy granulation that brings rapid healing.

          Calendula mostly useful and specific for open wound, clean cut, lacerated wound, bleeding wound, suppurating wound, surgical cut. It restores the vitality of injured part and prevent putrefaction. Pain is very much unbearable in calendula probably due to nerve involvement. In Germany it regards as ‘cancer-cure’ because it prevents excessive bleeding from cancerous tissue, also used as an intercurrent remedy in cancer treatment. In case of boil or carbuncle the medicinal extract of Calendula mixed with hot water may used as hot compressor over the affected part to reduce pain. In 1849, Dr. Jahr, who was in paris treated a number of gun-shot wound with comminuted bones, & save several limbs by means of Calendula. Calendula also prevent gum bleeding after tooth-extractions.

    The difference between Calendula and Arnica is that, Calendula is come when it open or bleeding wound, but Arnica used for bruised wound where the skin remains intact. Another Homoeopathic remedy is Cynodon dactylon (meadow weeds) also come in case of bleeding wound. It also used in our country to reduce bleeding, remove dandruff, hair falling as a useful home remedy. Some of the symptoms like irritability, easily frightened, nervousness, hearing very acute also treated with Calendula. Decubitus ulcer (bed sore) also treated with Calendula when arnica or Hypericum is failed to cure. Our fourth Khalifa Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (RH) narrated in his Homoeopathy class “Calendula is very useful in the treatment of surgical wounds that do not heal normally. In fact, honey has been found to be more effective than Calendula in many instances.”  

          *** Eye: Injuries to eye which tends to suppuration after operation also treated by Calendula.    

          *** Respiratory: Calendula used in Cough, hoarseness of voice, greenish expectoration with distension of inguinal ring.

          *** Stomach symptoms: Calendula used in eating disorder bulimia nervosa (binge eating followed by vomiting), with distension of abdomen and heartburn.

*** Modalities: Symptoms of Calendula are aggravated in damp, heavy, cloudy weather.

*** Relationship:

Compare: Hammamelis (capillary injury), Hypericum (nerve injury), Symphytum (Injury to bone), Arnica (concealed injury), Bellis (injury to the deep tissue), Ruta (injury to bone, periosteum, joints) according to symptoms similarity.

Complementary: Hepar sulph.

Antidote: Chelidonium, Rheum.

Dose: Mother tincture to Higher potencies is used.


___Amatul Zami Aditi

Student (final year B.H.M.S.)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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