Lycopodium clavatum is a deep
acting, constitutional remedy, useful for gradually progressive chronic
diseases. This medicine is prepared from club moss by the process of
tituration with sugar of milk up to 12x form. Higher potencies are prepared
with alcohol. Ordinally, moss has no value in treatment. But after
potentization, it shows its various effects on organs & cures the situation
if appropriately applied. This medicine was introduced by Dr. Hahnemann.
***Constitutional symptoms of
Lycopodium: Lycopodium patient looks prematurely old then his exact age.
Usually, they are intelligent but physically weak. Upper part is thin then lower part of the body.
Child: Child or infants are irritable, cross, peevish. They are
screams all the day but sleep at night.
Women: Women are sensitive in nature. Cries when thanked.
Men: Men are avaricious, solitary in nature.
Pen-picture of Lycopodium patient:
patient is coward. They are skilled in their field
but become hesitate & fear to appear or to do because they think they may
do any senseless mistake. For example, a lawyer is delaying to appear in
court until he forces to appear because he has a fear that he will be fail or
stumbles. In short, Lycopodium patient has great lack of courage.
patient wants to be solitude although he has great fear of remain alone. He offered someone to live next to him but with a condition not to
disturbed him. Usually, Lycopodium patients are rude to their family members
but good to others.
patients are introverts. They don’t talk too much but sometimes they
talk a lot.
patients are avarice. Even, if the doctor advises him to
eat fresh & nutritious food, he stills buy & eat rotten or semi-rotten
food to save his money. On the other hand, they are kind hearted to the poor.
He helps the poor to remove their sufferings and burden. So, Lycopodium
patients are characterized as miser in their own needs.
patients are easily got angry, can’t bear contradiction, seeks dispute.
symptom are aggravated between 4-8 pm this is the key note symptom of
this remedy.
symptoms are appeared first in right side then it goes to left.
patient become hurry to eat when feels hungry. Usually having extra
craving for foods, eats more then they want. But sometimes few mouthfuls
fill up to the throat. Headache when hungry. Wants sweet & warm food.
patient also has some peculiar signs. Fan like motion of alae nasi while
talking. Half open condition of eye during sleeping (also found in Opium,
patients are generally chilly.
Particular symptoms of Lycopodium:
Lycopodium has great affinity over gastro-intestinal tract. Useful for chronic
flatulence, food poisoning from eating spoiled food, indigestion, hyperacidity,
peptic ulcer, chronic constipation. Tongue symptoms is characteristic. Tongue
become dry, black, cracked, trembling when extrude, sour taste in mouth.
used in case of lower abdominal flatulency. Reason behind this is due to
over eating. But sometimes, taking a small amount of food may causing excessive
flatulence. Can’t taking cabbage, potato, beans, peas, coffee as this produces
flatulency. This condition can’t relief by eructation or passing flatus. In
case of food poisoning or peptic ulcer, person may suffer from drawing &
aching pain in abdomen with lower abdominal flatulency.
is come in case of constipation, when patient complaint that she had been
suffering from constipation after puberty or last confinement. Chronic
constipation may lead to developing hemorrhoids (piles).
Liver conditions: It is a great remedy for any type of liver disease like hepatic
inflammation, liver abscess, infective hepatitis. Patient may complaint
violent aching & drawing pain starts from right hypochondriac region
associated with lower abdominal flatulency. Pain in liver region may goes
to left also may shifted to right scapula.
Urinary problems: Good remedy for UTI, hematuria, proteinuria, also useful for right
sided renal colic. Terrible drawing & aching pain in right lumber
region. Childs are crying during urination. Urine become dark with brick
red sedimentation is present (white sedimentation found in Sarsaperilla).
Urine become scanty during day but profuse at night. Backache relief after
Respiratory problem: Lycopodium used for chronic right sided tonsillitis, advance
stage of pneumonia. Symptoms are, constricting drawing & aching pain in
throat and chest increase between 4-8 pm, relief by applying heat or wrapped
warm. In case of pneumonia, cough become deep, hollow. Sputum become yellow,
thick, produced in large amount & fetid. Pneumonia patient look pale,
anaemic with fan like motion of alae nasi.
Psycho-sexual problem: Useful for impotency due to excessive masturbation, premature
ejaculation (psychological), imperfect erection in male. In female useful for
General modalities: Symptoms of Lycopodium are increased in between 4-8 pm, in cold,
right side, warm air except throat & stomach complaints. Relief on taking
hot foods & drinks, in open air.
Remedy relationship: Lycopodium is complementary to Iodium.
Lycopodium is a deep
acting remedy. So, it is rarely advisable to treating the patient beginning
with Lycopodium, unless its symptoms are clearly indicated it. It shouldn’t be
repeated after improvement begins.
Duration of action: 40-50 days, according to Dr. Clarke.
___Amatul Zami Aditi
Homoeopathic physician
B.H.M.S (Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery)
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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