Causticum is a Homoeopathic remedy was first introduced By Dr. Hahnemann. It is a polycrast remedy & has several actions over the organism. Although, it is a most useful remedy for paralysis.

Symptoms of Paralysis:

Causticum is a useful remedy for right sided paralysis & paralysis of single part. It is a valuable remedy for facial paralysis, partial paralysis of tongue muscles, throat, hands, feet, paralysis of rectal muscles may lead to constipation, paralysis of bladder muscles may cause retention of urine. Besides paralysis, it also effective remedy for the treatment of hysteria & epilepsy. Causticum paralysis is developed due to exposure to cold. The symptoms are developed gradually & in a progressive manner. Before exhibiting symptoms, patient become restless & feeling weak & tired. Paralyzed area become stiff & raw in feeling.

          Paralysis of tongue muscles may cause stammering. Causticum is not beneficial for nervous stammering.

          Dropping of upper eyelid due to paralysis of superior oblique muscle of the eye with weak feeling. Patient cannot open the eye.

          Paralysis of laryngeal & pharyngeal muscles. Hoarseness of voice of singers or speakers is successfully treated with Causticum. Paralysis may cause morning aphonia. Extreme raw feeling in throat. Voice re-echoes. When eating person suffering from choking. Coughing but coughs are unproductive, relief by drinking cold water.     

          Hysteria with successive fits gradually progressive & severe may lead convulsion, with involuntary passes of urine.


Causticum also useful for rheumatism of right sided joints. The joints become stiff & raw feeling with contraction of flexor tendons. Pains are relief by applying heat.

Female complaints:

Causticum is an effective remedy for delayed menses. Menses appear only day time & flows are stops at night. Menses may appear too early or too late. The blood is bright red in color, slow on flowing & non-coagulable. Epileptic attacks may appear during menses. Good remedy for night leucorrhoea. 

Urinary problem:

Women develop retention of urine due to anxiety & pressure may lead to inflammation of bladder during childbirth, Causticum is an indispensable to combat the condition. Even when urine may retain up to 24 hours Causticum may reduce the retention of urine. Firstly, bloody urine is passed & then gradually urine become clear.   

          Paralysis of bladder muscle causes scanty urination. This condition is reduced by Causticum. Urine becomes clean while standing, because during standing pressure is expelling to urinating. It also reduces the problem of involuntary urination in aged people.


*** Suppression of skin disease may bring mental illness like insanity also treated by Causticum. It also removes the bad effects of burns and scald. The old burn that does not get well Causticum comes first. Guernsey said, “Causticum is useful for after effects of burns when the patient says, ‘I have never been well since that burn.’”

Mental condition:

Causticum patients are worried, hopeless & depressed. They think that their disease is incurable. Beside this, they show great sympathy with other sorrows or sufferings even sufferings of animals.

*** Causticum also comes for the treatment of warts. Warts are become soft, pedunculated, bleeds to touch, occurs in face & nose.

*** Causticum patient can’t bear sweet food, likes to takes salty & spicy food. Appetite disappears due to tension although he has desire to eat.

*** Modalities: Causticum symptoms are aggravated in fine weather, cold, in warm room & relief in damp weather, warm air.

*** Remedy relationship: Causticum is complementary to Carbo veg.

*** Precaution: Causticum never use before or after application of Homoeopathic medicine Coffeea & phosphorus that removes the actions of Causticum.

___Amatul Zami Aditi

Homoeopathic physician

B.H.M.S (Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.





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