
Showing posts from November, 2020


  Attention means simply focusing our mind to do or understand our everyday task. We should attentive before doing any work. But we do not know that we draw our attention everyday for planning, reading, talking, daydreaming, when responding and others either voluntarily or involuntarily.   The famous Psychologist William James characterized attention as the “Searchlight of consciousness.” By these words he meant that, Attention is the way by means we scan our environment and focusing our mind to those substance which we want to need or to be wish in a certain period of time. Attention broadly divided into two. ·        Passive attention. ·        Active attention. ***Passive attention: Passive attention means involuntary draw our attention or focusing our mind in response to external stimuli. Like, a loud noise, strong smell, hearing a familiar name, seeing the familiar face, bright light etc. are the exte...


  Chelidonium is an organopathic remedy useful for the treatment of liver diseases. Key symptom of this medicine is constant pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula. This symptom must be present with other complaint either it is hepatic problem or other condition. *** Chelidonium has great affection over the right side of the body. Affects right side like right lung, right side of the abdomen, right eye, right side of the head. ***Liver disease: Chelidonium is useful for any kind of liver diseases in its acute stage. The symptoms of liver affection are constant pain under the inner and lower angle of right scapula may also radiate to right shoulder, this symptom is considered as the confirmatory symptom of cholecystitis (inflammation of gall bladder). This pain may increase in around 4 p.m. and 4a.m. The skin and mucous membranes are turns yellow. Patient cannot lay on right side also cannot touch the area. The characteristic symptom of chelidonium is tongue s...


  Homoeopathic remedy Cantharides is prepared from Spanish fly. First it reducing into coarse powder and then it mixed with alcohol to prepare mother tincture. It was introduced in Homoeopathy by our master Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann MD.           The key symptom of Cantharides is severe burning pain anywhere in the body associated with any disease. Burning cannot relief by anything, even application of cold or water aggravates complaints. All the symptoms of Cantharides are developed rapidly (as like as Belladonna, Aconite). Intensity of disease is so severe that patient cannot tolerate it, crying or screaming to get relief from burden.           Cantharides mostly useable for the treatment of any type of urinary disorder when there is the prominent symptom burning is present. It also acts upon other system of the body which I describe after describing urinary symptoms. ·...


Aloe socotrina is a common medicinal plant in our country. It has been using for relief constipation and pain in herbal medicine since 400 BC. This Homoeopathic medicine are prepared from the dried leaves juice of aloe vera. It was first proving on Dr. Helbig and its beneficial effects are revealed. This medicine mostly used for treating diarrhoea, dysentery and constipation, but it has others beneficial effects if applied according to symptoms similarity in potentized form. *** Aloe socotrina mostly show its actions over the gastro-intestinal tract, and used for diarrhoea, dysentery and constipation. In this condition the patient feel insecure about anal sphincter. The diarrhoea comes immediately after eating or drinking and in early morning. The patient must be gone to the closet without waiting because a little beat of waiting may cause involuntary defecation. *** Gastro-intestinal symptoms of Aloe socotrina:       All of the complaints of gastro-intestinal...


  Allium cepa is a liliaceae group of herbs prepared from its fresh red bulb. Allium cepa first proving on Dr. Constantine Hering and its beneficial effects are first revealed. Allium cepa is a short acting remedy and mostly useful for acute nasal catarrh. ***All of the symptoms of Allium cepa is first appear in right side of the body and then goes to left. Suppose, one has been suffering from nasal catarrh first left nose is affected then catarrh attacks right nose. *** Symptoms of Allium cepa are developed in exposure to cold, during winter season. Although cold aggravates the condition but the patient's sufferings are relief in open air. *** Catarrhal symptoms: The nasal discharge of Allium cepa is watery, acrid and excoriating the part. Nasal discharges are profuse and acrid may associated with profuse bland lachrymation. The condition as similar as during peeling or slice an onion. Profuse sneezing, especially when enter into the warm room. Nasal symptoms are aggravated...


  Belladonna is a common homoeopathic remedy mostly useful for acute diseases with sudden and violent onset of symptomes. It has several actions over human organism and used for treatment of multiple conditions. Its scientific name is ‘Atropa belladonna’ and introduced in homoeopathy by Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. Most of the Belladonna’s actions are over the nervous and circulatory system.          ***The key feature of Belladonna is heat, redness, burning, sensitiveness. These conditions are must be present with any complaints. For example; a patient complaint for fever, on examination it founds that the head is very much hot and the examiner must be withdrawn his hand over the head due to excessive intensity of heat. But another peculiar condition is that the head is hot but the feet is icy cold. The entire face is red as its congested with blood. Patient is very much sensitive during disease state like, cannot bear to talk, desire instant...


Individualization means differing one thing from others by some unique feature although they are in same class or same group. During treating a patient, the Homoeopathic physician try to find out the individual characters of the disease states.           We are all people. Black or white, male or female lives all where in the world.   But how do we different from each other? One is differentiating from others by their name, age, sex, constitution, voice, intellectual capacity, working capacity etc. One thinking capacity is not similar to others. One desire and needs are not similar to other. Like, Homoeopathic practitioner try to individualize every patient state before treating. Homoeopathic individualization is two types-           # Individualization of patient’s disease state.           # Individualization of medicine. Individualization of patient’s dise...