Individualization means differing one thing from others by some unique feature although they are in same class or same group. During treating a patient, the Homoeopathic physician try to find out the individual characters of the disease states.

        We are all people. Black or white, male or female lives all where in the world.
  But how do we different from each other? One is differentiating from others by their name, age, sex, constitution, voice, intellectual capacity, working capacity etc. One thinking capacity is not similar to others. One desire and needs are not similar to other. Like, Homoeopathic practitioner try to individualize every patient state before treating. Homoeopathic individualization is two types-

          # Individualization of patient’s disease state.

          # Individualization of medicine.

Individualization of patient’s disease state:

          Individualization of patient means differentiating the sufferings of one patient from another; although they are suffering in same disease or condition. For individualizing a patient’s disease states, a physician must be skilled in knowledge of disease. He must be differentiating what is disease symptoms and what is patient symptoms. Homoeopathy give priority to patient symptoms. Reason behind this is the concept of Homoeopathic philosophy. Homoeopathy consider disease is dynamic. It is not a material thing that only effects physical body outwardly. Physical body is dynamic and its controlled by spiritual, dynamic, invisible force which is called vital force. So, a material thing cannot rule over dynamic force. For weakening vital force, a dynamic power must be needed.

We observed our environment. Every day many peoples are affected with flu, but the ratio of affections is differing in country to country. Why it varies?

          It varies because the two dynamic forces (one is body dynamic force and other is disease dynamic force) are come to protest to each other. When the disease force is failed to react with body dynamic force the person is become in health, but when body dynamic force is failed to protest against disease dynamic force then human body is shows abnormal sign and symptoms outwardly which is termed as disease.

Disease is not only affecting a man physically but it also affects the mental states too. Disease is detected by its some individual sign and symptoms. For example, a patient has been suffering from urinary tract infection, he must experience the symptoms of dysuria, frequency of micturition, urethral irritation, retention of urine etc. The laboratory diagnosis also helpful to confirm the case. But it cannot individualize a patient properly. Patient symptom is complete the exact picture of disease. Like, during the problem of urinary tract infection one patient is mentally become irritable, cannot bear to do any things, become crying for relief, got into the state of unconscious, violent burning in urethra even after urination, drinking a sipe of water also increase his sufferings, problem is relief temporarily by warm application. On the other hands another patient may face other symptoms, like, unbearable pain at the ending of urination, urine is passing while standing, urine contains white sands. In both case of urinary tract infection, the patient symptoms are variable which indicates particular remedy for bringing appropriate cure.

          So, if a physician cannot find out the patient particular, specific, characteristic symptoms he cannot able to treat the disease wholly.

Individualization of medicine:

           Individualization of medicine means selection of an appropriate homoeopathic medicine from the list of remedy for perfect restoration of health. After sketching the complete picture of patient’s disease state, a homoeopathic physician is able to find out a similar homoeopathic remedy by proper analysis the case and evaluation of symptoms. Like, in first case; the patient symptoms indicate the homoeopathic medicine ‘Cantharides’ in where in second case, it indicates the homoeopathic medicine ‘Sarsaparilla’. If a physician has only the knowledge of disease but having no knowledge of medicine; he cannot able to bring permanent cure. For individualizing medicine, the most striking, singular, characteristic and peculiar symptoms are having great role in homoeopathic cure. So, a homoeopathic physician inquires a lot about the patient’s constitution, habits, sensation, aggravation, amelioration, causations and others for proper individualization of patient and medicine.


          ___Amatul Zami Aditi

Student (final year B.H.M.S.)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh


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