Belladonna is a common homoeopathic remedy mostly useful for acute diseases with sudden and violent onset of symptomes. It has several actions over human organism and used for treatment of multiple conditions. Its scientific name is ‘Atropa belladonna’ and introduced in homoeopathy by Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. Most of the Belladonna’s actions are over the nervous and circulatory system.
***All the symptoms of Belladonna
suddenly and violently appear. E.g. a boy is remained
well in previous day but on next day he experiences any health problem, that
means any disease may appear within a night or within a day. All the symptoms
of Belladonna develop within few hours and the disease attacks is severe.
***The pain symptoms of Belladonna
appear suddenly and goes suddenly and stay indefinitely (magnesium
phosphoricum). Pain are going from above downward
(in Gelsemium pain goes along back).
***Usually Belladonna patients are
well behaved, social, jolly, frivolous (carefree and superficial), credulous (too
great to readiness to believe things). They discuss
their problem with others easily without forethinking. Feigning sick to draw
attention to doctor due to extreme sensitiveness of symptoms.
***Belladonna symptoms are appearing
in right side like, lung conditions appear first
in right lung, right side of the throat, migraine pains are affected on right
side of the head, right side of the abdomen etc.
***Headache symptoms: Belladonna is
useful for congestive type of headache. Headache is
developed due to exposure to sunlight or exposure to cold, after haircut,
working on sunlight. Headache usually feel over the forehead and spread over
the eyes. Violent throbbing of carotids. Stabbing pain with Sensation as if
brain is pushed out through the temple. The face of the patient is red due to
excessive blood circulation on the head with redness of eyes. Pain may extend
over the eyes with pushing sensation. Headache generally relief by sitting
erect, by tight bandings.
***Fever symptoms: Belladonna is
useful for intermittent fever. The body temperature during fever raise up to
104-105°F associated with redness of face. The
head is extremely hot cannot touch with the fingers but feet is icy cold is the
characteristic symptoms of Belladonna. During fever states, patient may go
into delirium. In delirium he picks up the bed cloths and torn it, wants to
bite, kills or strikes the person. He wants to escape out from the window.
Patient may also see the imaginary things like ghost, monster, dogs, insects
etc. (visual hallucination) during delirium. Patient wants to get ride
from his sufferings and feeling of great fear. The delirium stage of
Belladonna is so severe that representing the absolute picture of insanity
[The delirium symptoms of Belladonna is also similar to the symptoms of
Hyoscyamus but the Hyoscyamus patients are more violent and obscene]. During
fever state there is great dryness of tongue with absolute thirst lessness.
Loss of appetite with pungent taste in mouth due to fever affection. Fever
symptoms usually aggravates in 3 p.m. and reduce after 3 a.m.
***Digestive complaints: Belladonna is useful for the treatment of acute bacillary
dysentery. Scanty stool is passing in each time with frequent urging. Stool may
mix with fresh blood. Violent tenesmus after defecation. The anus is burning
with sensitive to touch even with rubbing with cloth.
***Belladonna is used for treating
right sided acute tonsilitis. The symptoms
are; the tonsil and uvula become swollen and inflamed, patient cannot bear to
eating anything either solid or liquid due to extreme sensitiveness and
burning. The area of throat become red and hot.
***Respiratory condition: Belladonna is useful for any respiratory conditions of acute
origin; the cough symptoms of Belladonna are hoarse barking cough with
spasmodic and dryness of respiratory passage.
***Brain complaints: Belladonna is useful for acute meningitis. In this condition
patient may complaint frequent and stupefying headache with throbbing and pulsating
pain; cannot bear external impression like light, pressure, touch, talking,
odor even walking. Patient also feeling congestion and burning in head. Bending
backwards relieves the condition.
***Eye complaints: In case of acute
conjunctivitis and simple glaucoma Belladonna is useful. In case of
conjunctivitis the eye become red with dryness of conjunctiva. Feeling of burning inside the eyes. Euphrasia is another
Homoeopathic remedy mostly useful for eye complaints. But the Euphrasia’s eye
are red and waters all the time, congested and smarting pain may extend to
head. In where Belladonna’s eyes are always dry that differentiating the
Belladonna with Euphrasia in eye problem. In case of glaucoma the extreme rise
on intra-ocular pressure is reduce by applying Belladonna if symptoms are
***Skin complaints: Belladonna is
useful for the treatment of first stage of boils and carbuncle when the pus is
not form. The area become extremely swollen,
red and congested, become throbbing and sensitive to touch. Pain aggravates on
touch and relief by heat. Belladonna is also using for the treatment of rapid
spreading erysipelas when key symptoms are present.
***Female disorder: Belladonna is mostly useful for dysmenorrhea, first stage of
prolapsed uteri, prolong labor.
menstruation there is passing excessive red blood from uterus. Bloods are
feeling hot with violent sharp cutting pain is extended from hip to hip
(dysmenorrhea). Abdomen is very much sensitive to touch during period. Usually
application of heat relief the complaints.
prolapsed uteri; patient may feel that the uterus coming out from vagina and
avoid to walking in big steps.
also progress labor pain in case of prolong labor. Here the symptoms are,
patient is in delirium states with flashes of face, pain comes and go quickly
without any progress.
***Abdominal problems: Belladonna is useful for acute gastritis and cholelithiasis. The
symptoms of cholelithiasis are extreme sensitiveness and pain in liver region,
cannot bear least motion or jerk, relief by sitting erect. During gastritis,
feeling constriction in abdomen with flatulency. Nausea and vomiting after
***General modalities: All the symptoms of Belladonna are aggravated in least motion, on
touch, pressure, lying down, on right side, after 3 p.m., summer season,
complaints are relief by rest, standing, seating erect, in warm application.
***Calcarea carbonica is
complementary to Belladonna, used for chronic cases of Belladonna.
Zami Aditi
(final year B.H.M.S.)
Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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