Aloe socotrina is a common medicinal plant in our country. It has been using for relief constipation and pain in herbal medicine since 400 BC. This Homoeopathic medicine are prepared from the dried leaves juice of aloe vera. It was first proving on Dr. Helbig and its beneficial effects are revealed. This medicine mostly used for treating diarrhoea, dysentery and constipation, but it has others beneficial effects if applied according to symptoms similarity in potentized form.

*** Aloe socotrina mostly show its actions over the gastro-intestinal tract, and used for diarrhoea, dysentery and constipation. In this condition the patient feel insecure about anal sphincter. The diarrhoea comes immediately after eating or drinking and in early morning. The patient must be gone to the closet without waiting because a little beat of waiting may cause involuntary defecation.

*** Gastro-intestinal symptoms of Aloe socotrina:

     All of the complaints of gastro-intestinal diseases come immediately after eating, in early morning. Patient feels violent cramping pain around the navel before stool passing. Abdomen become very much distended with flatus after eating especially, eating sea food like oyster. Passage of much flatus with or without stools even in case of constipation, patient feeling urgency to stool but only flatus has come. Involuntary defecation is an extra burden to Aloe patient. Even in case of constipation person (old man) become involuntary passing stools during walking because the anal sphincter of Aloe always remains loose. Constipation may occur in the person who lead sedentary life. There is no desire for stool up to 4-5 days. Sometimes stool may remove mechanically. Stools of Aloe is become hot, burning the part, become yellowish and jelly like, passage involuntarily. After defecation patient feeling tenesmus, burning and itching around the anus and relief by applying cold.    

          In case of abdominal distention with gastro-intestinal problem others homoeopathic medicines also useful according to symptoms similarity. But, most commonly useable Homoeopathic medicines are Lycopodium, China and Carbo-vegitabilis are specific using according to site of abdominal distention. Like, Aloe; Lycopodium also produced right lower abdominal distention after eating oyster and sea food. But Lycopodium is a deep acting remedy and mostly useable in chronic cases with constitutional similarity. China is using for the patient with pale and weak looking and suffering from night diarrhoea with whole abdominal distention. Carbo-vegitabilis called an emergency medicine in Homoeopathy because it is using in last stage of disease when the all hopes are gone. It is also useful for the person suffering from problem of acidity with upper abdominal flatulency with constitutional similarity.

*** Aloe patients are hot temperament. Cannot tolerate any kind of heat and his complaints are relief by applying cold.

*** Mind symptoms: Mentally Aloe patients are despondent and melancholic. The person feels loathing of life due to physical distress. Persons are indolent and weary, no desire for doing any physical and mental work. Phobia is present in Aloe patient. Aloe patient cannot tolerate to see blood, injection. Also having fear of height, ghost.

*** Hemorrhoids: Aloe also cure hemorrhoids. Blue bunch grape like projection is coming out from anus after passing stool and bleeds a lot with burning the part. Burning is relief by cold application.

*** Some Homoeopathic medicine shows alternating symptoms. Aloe also produce alternating symptom. Like, headache alternate with lumbago, diarrhoea or dysentery alternate with constipation.

*** Headache symptoms: Aloe is useful for curing congestive type of headache. Headache feels in forehead and goes over the eyes. Eyes become burning, red and swollen, must be remain closed for relief.

*** Female disorder: Aloe also have actions on female genital organs. It is using for curing menorrhagia. In case of menorrhagia, profuse bleeding from uterus with feeling heaviness and distention of abdomen; temporary relief by applying pressure and cold.

*** Desire and aversion: Aloe patient cannot tolerate meat, sour foods, seafood because they produce excessive flatulency. They are desire to drinking juicy fruits, cold foods and drinks.

*** Modalities: Generally, symptoms of Aloe are aggravated in early morning, after eating, in hot dry weather, leading sedentary life, standing or walking. Symptoms are reducing on applying cold water, cold weather, passing flatus or stools.

*** Aloe socotrina is complementary to Sulphur in abdominal plethora.   


___Amatul Zami Aditi

Student (final year B.H.M.S.)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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