Colchicum is a Liliaceae group plant mostly grows in the temperate climate of Europe & it’s blooming in autumn. As its flower blooming in autumn most of its symptoms are aggravated in autumn season. It is widely use for autumnal dysentery. In a brief Colchicum is useful for gout, abdominal distension with loathing of food, autumnal dysentery, suppression of urine. Its symptoms are described below in brief: *** GIT problems: Colchicum produced a great amount of nausea, vomiting even fainting to see or smell of food specially can’t bear the smell of fish. Sometimes, thought of food produce nausea. So, Colchicum is a good remedy for loathing of food to brings appetite. It is a valuable remedy for abdominal distension. Patient may complaint burning pain with severe abdominal distension. Colchicum also used to reduce these complaints in domestic animals like, buffalo, cattle, cows etc. ...