China officinalis also known as cinchona officinalis; the first proved Homoeopathic remedy. It was proved in 1790 by Dr. Hahnemann while he translating Dr. Cullen’s Materia medica. Through proving this medicine, he found the clue of new system of treatment. China is the best remedy for intermittent fever. Also good for debilitating diseases.
China is come on first stage of disease. The patient of China got debilitated
due to continuous fluid loss, for example suffering from anemia, loose motion,
breast feeding, excessive masturbation etc.
patient looks pale, pathetic & desponded. He was strong before but
become weak & sick due to loss of vital fluid.
*** It is a well & effective remedy for intermittent fever
like malaria. The fever comes periodically, on after a day. Fever only
persist day not at night. Patient become thirsty before & after fever
paroxysm. Before feverish state, patient feels thirsty & drinks little
sips of water. Then feels chill. After a while body temperature raise up. This
state is called heat stage. Heat stage remain for hours then fever is settled
down by sweating. After then he feels thirsty again. Chininum ars come in chronic case of malaria fever.
*** China patient may suffer from loose motion at every night.
Stool contains undigested food particles. Sever borborygmus in abdomen before
defecation. Patient can’t tolerate to eat anything especially sour fruits
because they produce excessive flatulence. Flatulence can’t relief by
belching, eructation or passing flatus.
*** Malaria or digestive problems
also damage the liver function. So, the liver
become enlarged & tender also develops ascites.
*** China patients are extremely chilly. They can’t tolerate
any kind of cold, like cold foods, drinks, cold winds & generally his
sufferings are relief by heat.
*** patient tongue coated white or yellow. Having sour or
bitter taste in mouth. Toothache become relief by holding teeth together &
*** China is a good remedy for bleeding disorder. Profuse &
heavy bleeding, blood is come from every orifice, from nose, mouth, uterus,
anus etc. Patient become very much exhausted & weak due to excessive
bleeding & can’t do a simple task. Generalized or systemic oedema is
developed due to excessive bleeding. Patient is very much sensitive to
light touch but complaints are relief by applying strong pressure.
*** China patient feels hungry but can’t eat as it aggravates his
*** Mentally, patient become desponded, sluggish, desperate, irritable,
can’t talk to. Desire to commit suicide but can’t due to physical weakness.
*** Ferrum metalicum is complementary to China.
Zami Aditi
(Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery)
Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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