Colchicum is a Liliaceae group plant mostly grows in the temperate climate of Europe & it’s blooming in autumn. As its flower blooming in autumn most of its symptoms are aggravated in autumn season. It is widely use for autumnal dysentery.
In a brief Colchicum is useful for gout, abdominal distension with loathing of food, autumnal dysentery, suppression of urine. Its symptoms are described below in brief: It
is a valuable remedy for abdominal distension. Patient may complaint
burning pain with severe abdominal distension. Colchicum also used to reduce
these complaints in domestic animals like, buffalo, cattle, cows etc.
also thought for treating autumnal dysentery. Jelly-like things are
coming out with stool, also stools contain intestinal scraples. Violent
tenesmus in abdomen during defecation. Become thirsty to drink cold water.
***Urinary problem: Colchicum is a good remedy for urinary tract infection,
hematuria. Patient face the problem of scanty micturition with burning pain
in urethra. Urine is strong smelling, sometimes bloody & dark brownish
***Gout: Colchicum is an effective remedy for gout of small joints.
Gouty affection in the joints of hands, feet, clavicle, great toe. The affected
joints become tender to touch, even slight pressure of shoes or cloths become
unbearable. The surrounding tissue of the gouty joints become red &
swollen. The pain characteristic of Colchicum is remarkable. The rheumatic
pain become shifting from one side to another or above downwards. Pain is relief
by applying pressure, heat. A patient long time suffering from rheumatism may
metastasis to heart may causes rheumatic pericarditis.
***Mind characteristics: Mentally, patient become irritable, loathing of life, grief due
to misdeed of others.
***Modalities: Symptoms of Colchicum is increased on sight & smell of food,
during autumn season, in cold & damp weather, on motion.
are relief by applying pressure, heat or lying on flat.
Zami Aditi
(Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery)
Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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