Arsenicum album or anhydride form of Arsenious acid has been known since the eighth century. In 14th century this compound was used as medicine for the treatment of cattle disease, in 17th century it was used for the treatment of malignant ulcer, but in some extent, it also used in skin disease. However, in Homoeopathic system of medicine, in potentized form it has great value in every system of disease.

Arsenious acid is a highly poisonous substance. Ingestion of only 2 or 3 or 4 grains may cause death. But it has an interesting point, that if a person can swallow Arsenious acid taking in full stomach it may produce slight effect & immediate stomach wash may savings the life without gross effect. Arsenious acid has great affection over the digestive system, so in case of poisoning with this substance one may notice the digestive irritability (nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, thirst, anorexia, derange digestion etc.) then its chronologically effects are shown over the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary system & the sensation and consciousness are lost at the last moment of death.

Homoeopathic indication of Arsenicum album:

One can select Arsenicum if following symptoms are found:

·        Sensation of exhaustion, prostration, anxiety of mind more than the actual severity of disease.

·        Arsenic person looks cachectic, lean, livid & tense.

·        Patient represent the symptoms with great restlessness & anxiety of mind not physical. Thinks disease is incurable, there is no value of taking remedy.

·        Feels better on applying heat or warm over the affected part.

·        Disease symptoms are aggravated in specific period of time like mid-day or mid-night (around 12-2 a.m., p.m.). Respiratory symptoms are aggravated while lying down, at night.

·        Feels excessive thirsty but drinks a little amount of water at a time with frequent and short intervals (Bryonia drinks large quantity of water at a time after long intervals).

·        Arsenic patient has craving for acids or coffee, but especially found loss of appetite or nausea at the idea of food.

·        Arsenic patient is fastidious. They want everything in order & become neat and clean.

·        Burning pains are relieved by applying heat except head.

Particular symptoms of Arsenicum album:

*** Digestive system: Arsenic produce excessive dryness of mouth with thirst. Tongue usually dry as if burnt, red & deprive of sensibility. Throat feels dry, scraped & burn. Appetite usually loss with feeling of nausea especially on rising, seeing the food. Taste become bitter, putrid. Nausea even vomiting after taking cold drinks or water. Nausea with feeling of weakness & anxiety is the prominent indication of the remedy. Periodically recurs symptoms. Vomiting of food with great anxiety. Scanty vomiting with feeling of great prostration. Vomitous look green, thick & sometimes mixed with blood.

          Arsenic indicated for diarrhoea caused by eating spoiled food, sour fruit in summer. In case of diarrhoea, patient feels prostrated, restless, anguish and burning pain in abdomen. Stool usually scanty but sometimes associated with vomiting. Stool become yellowish, green, scanty, blackish & having offensive odor with violent tenesmus in anus & great prostration. Desire to drink water, but drinks little at a time.

***Respiratory system: Arsenic is a good remedy for asthmatic attack. It has great affinity over the upper right lobe of the lung. Patient feel suffocated while lying down on bed. The asthmatic attack is increase at mid-day or mid-night. Aggravated on taking cold food & relief by applying heat. Patient feels better lying on propped up position.

In seasonal coryza or cough Arsenic is the best choice. Symptoms are profuse sneezing with fluent coryza. Constant tickling in larynx & in the entire trachea provoked cough. Feeling of soreness, rawness & burning in the chest. Usually, cough become unproductive. Thick, tenacious mucus great effort is required to expel it & sometimes it mixed with blood.  

***Skin disease: In case of skin disease Arsenic is the good remedy. Burning is the prominent symptom of the case & it must be remembered. Either it is nettle rash or eruptions, papules, leprosy, red pimples, pustules or others this medicine can be used according to constitutional similarity that I have described in bullet point.

***Fever: Arsenic is indicated for the treatment of intermittent fever or the fever which recures after 15 days intervals. The fever paroxysm is occurring at night. Sweat occurs only at the end of the fever, or at the beginning of sleep. The pulse is small, quick but weak. Thirst never accompanies the chill, but comes after it. During fever state, patient looks depressed, fearful, restless, anxious, irritable & full of anguish.

***Modalities: Symptoms are aggravated at night, mid-day, mid-night, from cold, exertion, lying on affected side & relieved from heat in general, rest, company, hot drinks, application of hot.

***Remedy relations: It complementary to Sulphur, Thuja, Rhus tox, Carbo veg, Phosphorus, Secale cor.

          Antidotes: Camphor, China, Hepar sulph, Ipecac, Nux vom.


___Amatul Zami Aditi

Homoeopathic physician

B.H.M.S (Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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