Nux vomica is a one of the common Homoeopathic remedy mostly useful for the disease of gastrointestinal tract. The Homoepathic medicine is prepared from its seeds. The seeds are deadly poisonous and very bitter is taste. The smallest fatal dose of Nux vomica in crude form is three grains. According to Stille, small dose of Nux vomica in crude form may derange the digestion, slows down the digestive activity, reduce digestive juice secretion, retention of urine and stool, excites uterine contraction, acts on musculature may causes formication, rigidity, stiffness & clonic spasm, contraction of respiratory muscles ultimately causing death. The chief center of action of Nux vomica over the reflex functions of spinal cord. Nux vomica has marvelous actions over the organs and system after potentization.
symptoms must be remember to identify Nux vomica.
vomica is only come for the patient who is thin, skinny & irritable
in nature. The person become angry on trivial matters. Always find
fault to others & scold them, offered harmless word. Patient become ambitious
to make money. Egoism prevails supreme in him. Patient is very much sensitive to external impression like, excessive light, odor, touch.
are aggravated by over mental exertion, leading sedentary life, night
watching, masturbation, over indulgence of tea, coffee, alcohol etc.
are appeared periodically. The digestive
symptoms like nausea aggravated in morning. Others are worse by motion, in cold
& ameliorated by repose and warm application.
of Nux vomica is very peculiar. Wake up at 3 a.m or near to early morning & then cannot sleep well because multitude ideas
are crowded over his mind. Feel heavy & sleepy in evening & sleeps immediately
on going to bed.
of the symptoms are aggravated immediately after eating (Pulsatilla, Sepia_several
hours after eating).
*** Nux vomica is considered as
antidotal remedy. Patient who has used different medicines in over and
excessive quantity should be treated with Nux vomica to dispel their ill
effects & a fresh beginning.
*** Gastro-intestinal symptoms
Mouth become dry & thirstless.
Altering taste especially early in the morning. Its may be sour, bitter, metallic.
In morning the mouth & fauces are full of mucous. Less appetite. But in
some case hunger is greater. Nux gastric complaints are developed due to
leading sedentary life that means who are table worker. Those who are
related with highly intellectual work. Late to going sleep. Having spicy &
oily food habit. As taking spicy and oily food in little amount it may irritate
the intestinal mucosa may leading gastritis. Desire stimulants like coffee,
alcohol, wine. Nausea is constant symptoms of Nux vomica that occurs in early
morning. Patient may induce vomiting by fingers in order to get relief. Vomitous
sometimes mixed with blood.
Heavy, pressive feeling in stomach after
eating. This condition may worse by pressure and motion, even taking a small
amount of food. This symptom also found in other
Homoeopathic remedy, like Mercurius, Calcarea carb, Lycopodium, Sepia, Murex.
But Mercurius has deadly faintness produced by applying pressure over the pit.
Calcarea feeling tenderness on pressure. Sepia & Murex have all gone
sensation in the pit of stomach, feels abdomen become distended. Lycopodium has
pain at the stomach while pressed over the hypochondria, sensation of fullness
after eating a little bit.
Generally, Nux patient is
constipated. Patient may suffer from ineffectual desire to passing stool. Passes of small quantity of stool with continuous urging. Stool
never clear. So, Nux vomica is come in case of gastric complaints when there
is combination of indigestion, constipation, lack of night sleep & morning
Nux also useful for diarrhoea when
patient complaint more urging then passing. Frequent & ineffectual desire
to passing stool. Passing a little amount of stool mixed with much mucous with
violent tenesmus (profuse involuntary immediately after eating in Aloe).
*** Headache
Nux is response well to cure headache when
its combined with stomach complaints. The main cause of Nux headache is
constipation, or unclear defecation. Headache may start from forehead or from
occiput may extend towards base of the skull. Pressive, drawing & tensive
pain especially over the forehead or supra-orbital region, may aggravated in
the morning, in motion, stooping. Sensation as if brain is shattered.
*** Urinary condition
Nux also have profound effects over urinary
tract. It is a useful remedy for frequent ineffectual urination. Urine
passes a little with burning in urethra. Sometimes combination of ineffectual
urination & defecation is experienced during menstruation. This condition
also response good with Nux.
*** Acne: Nux is come for acne when
appear after eating cheese. Acne is seen over the forehead, cheeks & scalp.
*** Substance abuse
Nux is a good remedy for treating
substance abuse. Substance abuse simply means seeking & taking stimulus
substance, like alcohol, coffee, wine etc. It is the first stage of addiction.
So, by the grace of Allah a single dose of Nux may reduce this bad habit before
developing addiction. If one addicted with drugs then other symptomatic Homoeopathic medicine is come.
*** Menstrual disorder
Nux is good for treating polymenorrhoea. Menses
appear too early & profuse, lasting long. Passas of dark and offensive
blood, may associated with frequent and ineffectual urination. During delivery
patient may face this problem.
*** Respiratory symptoms
Nux is good remedy for asthma when developed due to gastric complaints. Asthmatic attack worse at night, after meal, worse from
having tight cloth on the thorax, relived by removing cloth. Nose become stuff off at night, profuse sneezing in morning. Cough
is not deep but comes from larynx. Chest problem without heart affection.
*** Nux also reduce backache caused by long time seating, excess
masturbation, or excess menstrual flow.
*** General modalities: Symptoms are aggravated by motion, in the morning, over study, night
watching, mental exertion, much thinking, from cold, taking alcohol, fatty and
oily food. Relieved by lying down, warm, evacuation.
*** Application:
Nux vomica is the Homoeopathic
remedy which never be taken in empty stomach, in the morning because its
symptoms are mostly aggravated in morning. So, its proper time of application
is two to three hours after dinner.
*** Relationship
Complementary: Sulphur, Sepia.
Inimical: Never
used before & after Zincum, Ignatia.
Follows well: Ars, Ipecac, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Sepia.
Is followed by: Bryonia, Pulsatilla, Sulphur.
Zami Aditi
(final year B.H.M.S.)
Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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