Sepia officinalis is another Homoeopathic medicine prepared from blackish fluid contained in the abdomen of the cuttle fish usually found in the sea. Bone of the cuttle fish enriched with calcium carbonate; so, Dr. Hippocrates the father of medicine used this remedy in the disease of women and in dysmenorrhea.  Dr. Galen used it as a stomach tonic and Marcellus recommends it for gravel and for the removal of freckles.

          This remedy is added in our Materia Medica pura by our Master Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann MD. After proving this remedy upon him and his fellow beings it found to be good for liver disorder, skin diseases, female genital disease and behavioral disorder.

          Sepia is quite different from others homoeopathic remedy in its constitutional characters. The female has shallow complexion, pale and earthy looking and having narrow pelvis which makes her disable to bearing child. But it is not the characteristic symptom of Sepia. Mentally Sepia patients are indifferent to others even her loving and nearest one. They got easily irritate other time become very much emotional, weeping much. Mothers are become rude to her child, although she wants to be love. Females are depressed, sad, anxious, fearful state of mind. Feeling helpless. Both male and female have aversion to opposite sex. Great susceptibility to excitement. Frequents attacks of weeping and despair of life.

          Most of the symptoms of Sepia are aggravated when the patient in rest, sitting quietly in the forenoon or evening. Conditions are getting well not in slight exercise or working but by vigorous exercise or by hard working. Gastrointestinal complaints like sensation of sinking at the pit of the stomach is especially aggravated at middle of forenoon. Must be remind that Sepia all symptoms are developed due to liver dysfunction or may associated with liver problem.

          Sepia induced a tendency to sudden perspiration from nervous shock or from exertion (Calc. carb -during exertion). So, Sepia is useful for reducing menopausal symptoms especially hot flashes from slightest excitement.

          ***Gastro-intestinal disorder: Sepia useful both acute and chronic digestive complaints but its foremost actions are found over the liver.

          The tongue of the Sepia is sore, flabby and scolded. Mouth filled with saltish fluid and everything taste salty. In case of toothache, its either pain may feel over the single spot or whole row of the gum. Tooth may feel to be loose, dragging and tearing pain is felt. Toothache aggravated in warm. Dry feeling in throat. Face of the Sepia is the seat of eruption. Brown, non-elevated, irregular spots are found in forehead which characterized as ‘liver spots.’ Skin and mucous membrane turns yellow and earthy. Liver disorder is responsible for this condition.

          Sepia patient continuous feel hungry but his complaint, sinking at the pit of the stomach is appeared after eating especially at forenoon. This condition usually not aggravated with pressure. There is great aversion to sight of food even thought of food developed in first trimester of pregnancy.

          Pressure and fullness sometimes felt when stomach complaints may associate with liver dysfunction. Stitches in liver region sometimes sensitive to pressure. Pain is more tolerable when lying on painful side (Bryonia). Skin and mucous membrane are turns to yellow and characteristic liver spots are found. On experience it was found to be useful in acute and sub-acute stage of hepatitis.

          Abdomen is distended with flatus due to indigestion. Sepia’s abdomen is large as it nine months of pregnant women. Sepia is usually thirstless.

          Patient feels empty in stomach but feeling fullness and pressure in abdomen which may sensation of something coming out from uterus. This one of the specific symptoms of Sepia.

          Constricting pain may extend from perinaeum or the vagina may extend up abdomen.

          Sepia’s constipation is developed during pregnancy. Haemorrhoidal tumors are developed with become burnt and itch after evacuation. Painful haemorrhoidal bleeding during defecation. Normally stools are scanty and mucoid.

*** Urinary problem: Sepia is useful to treating urinary infection and incontinence of urine when associated with liver complaints. Evacuation of urine preceded by pressure and tenesmus. Frequent urination without relief. Urine cannot clear even long-time effort. Urine become tardy on its beginning and then flows slowly. Patient may also experience of involuntary micturition at night.

*** Fever symptoms: Chilliness is the prominent symptom of Sepia. The heat is fugitive and transit. Profuse perspiration especially at night associated with great weakness.

*** Skin problem: Sepia is found to be effective for treating herpes circinatus, pityriasis versicolor, urticaria, eczema, ringworm, seborrhoea, styes, warts, epithelial carcinoma of lower lip. Excessive epidermal desquamation is found in every skin disease. Vesicular eruptions are found on face and the hollow of the joints of the knee, elbow. Skin is itching, burning, with soreness. In epithelial carcinoma of lower lip itching, soreness with burning pain and ‘pricking as a form of splinter wood.’ Carrol Dunham found Sepia beneficial for treating this type of carcinoma.

          In eye disease, biting, burning and itching profusely in conjunctivitis but secretion is scanty and pustular (Mucoid and profuse in Euphresia). Vision is affected, lights are flickering to eye with photophobia.

*** Female disorder:

          Menstrual problem: Sepia is useful for oligomenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea. Menses are too early and scanty. Violent aching starts from vagina may across to pelvis and reached to the abdomen. This condition may develop due to feeling pressure in abdomen. Women feeling depressed, restless, morose during menstruation. Palpitation, headache, toothache and epistaxis may develop with menses.

          Other time, vaginal stitches may bring watery lavish leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea is not acrid (very acrid in Kreosote).

          Pregnancy disorder: Sepia is a good remedy for hyperemesis gravidarum (excessive vomiting without relief after conception). The smell and sight of the food provoked nausea and fainting. Patient cannot digest milk and meat. Everything tasted salty. Pale and earthy looking. Sensation of ball in the throat which is not remove by deglutition.

Sepia also prevent abortion in 12 or 20 weeks of pregnancy especially those who are shallow complexion with having narrow pelvis. Women’s are suffering from constipation during pregnancy.  

Menopause: Sepia useful for reducing menopausal symptoms. During menopause various symptoms are developed. Among those; Sepia is useful for treating hot flashes, palpitation, dyspnoea, weakness, depression during menopause.

***Respiratory symptoms: Sepia produce dry, fatigue cough with sensation as if cough is coming from abdomen or stomach. Again, cough is copious, saltiest expectoration, white and greyish in color. With these symptoms there is stitches in epigastrium (middle of the upper abdomen) or head, faintness and nausea.

*** Modalities: Sepia symptoms are aggravated in evening, morning (nausea during pregnancy), forenoon, sitting, working slowly, after sweating, in cold. Better feeling on pressure, lying on painful side, vigorous exercise.

***Dose: 30 to 1M potency.
***Duration of action of the remedy: 40-50 days (Dr. Clarke).


Complementary to: Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus.

Inimical: Pulsatilla, Lachesis.       

Antidoted by: China, Mercurius.


  ___Amatul Zami Aditi

Student (final year B.H.M.S.)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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