The Ledum palustre commonly known as marsh tea or wild rosemary is indigenous to the damp region of Northern Europe, Canada and U.S.A. In ancient time it was used for treating whooping cough, bilious attack, skin diseases like; lepra, pemphigus and other conditions. It has distinctive strong smells. So, it was placed among the grain to keep away the mice.  

          This remedy was proved by Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann and has been found very useful for the treatment of injury caused by sharp instruments, animal bites and joints pain.

          The characteristic symptom of this remedy is pains relief by applying cold. Patient of Ledum has generally lacking of vital heat although they cannot tolerate any kind of heat in his body (Secale). The symptoms of disease especially rheumatism is appeared in lower part of the body and then ascends upwards. That means the gout or rheumatism are affected the joints of the limbs at first and then goes upwards and affects the joints of upper limb. If remain untreated it may also damage to heart. Another symptom of this remedy is affected area become very much swollen after injury and remain long lasting discoloration. Ledum patient usually robust, fleshy, full blooded, plethoric and having bleeding tendency.   


Along with Arnica and Hypericum; Ledum is useful for the treatment of injury. In tissue; injury caused by blunt weapon Arnica is beneficial. Ledum useful for nerve injury. So, it used in case of insect bite from bees, wasp, scorpion, rat, cat, punctured wound by needle, nail, awl or any sharp pointed instrument. The injurious part become swollen having sticking and tearing pain. Affected part feels cold to touch and patient cannot bear heat or motion. Feels better by applying cold. Long remaining discoloration of skin into blue or black after injury. Ledum also serves its beneficial effects to treating chronic injury leaving long residual effects. After punctured injury a dose of high potency Ledum may prevent tetanus. However, Hypericum is come when the injury may associate with both nerve and tissue. But symptoms of Hypericum is quite opposite to Ledum. Hypericum symptom goes downwards and the pain is relief by applying heat. Ledum may treat haemorrhage from eyes caused by sudden blow, by boxing punch, after iridectomy operation. Ecchymosis of the eye lids and conjunctiva after injury.  Ledum is come in case of treating cataract caused by persistent gout. After injury to ankle the patient sometimes feels discomfort and cramping in calf muscle. A dose of Ledum may removes the pain.

***Skin conditions:

 Ledum is useful to curing acne of forehead, erysipelas, facial eczema, itching of feet, red pimples of face. Having itching, tearing pain, relieved by applying cold.

***Rheumatism and gout:

 In both acute and chronic rheumatism and gout Ledum is efficacious. Usually, these conditions are developed due to accumulation of uric acid, deposition of solid substances like crystal materials to the tissue and synovial joints. Feet are the common site of gout stones. Rheumatism affects the shoulder joint, ankle joints, knee joint, toes, hip joint. Rheumatism affects diagonally left shoulder and right keen joint. Violent tearing and sticking pain in the joints ascend upward. Swollen of lower limbs with pain on moving. On examination the parts feel cold but patient cannot bear heat. Pain is relief by applying cold or putting the feet on icy cold water. Cramping pain in back and hip with stiffness of the part after sitting. This pain may ascend up occiput.

          ***Menstrual disorder:

     Ledum is useful for treating menorrhagia. Menstrual flow is heavy and florid. Epistasis may associate with menses or after menses.

           ***Respiratory symptoms:

     One of the good homoeopathic remedy for whooping cough and hemoptysis. Patient feels oppressed, constriction, drawing and tearing in the chest and felt on moving the arms and while sitting, on expiration of air. Ticking and creeping in the trachea.  Cough may attend with profuse purulent sputum with expectoration of florid blood. Cough is aggravated at night and early morning.

          ***Modalities: Generally aggravated by heat, motion, walking, sitting. Better feeling on applying cold, putting feet on icy cold water.

          ***Dose: 30-200 potency.

          ***Action: 30 days (According to Dr. Clarke).


Antidoted by: Camphora.

                   It antidotes: Apis mell, China.

                   Incompatible: China.

                   Remedy that precedes well: Arnica.



___Amatul Zami Aditi

Student (final year B.H.M.S.)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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