Digitalis purpurea is a useful remedy for heart disease. Homoeopathic medicine is prepared from fresh leaves and proved by Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. In Allopathy, it is used for the treatment of trachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and arrhythmia (irregular heart beat). As its duration of action is short so Allopath’s are used it more and more amounts. As it used for prolong period of time with over increasing dose it causes some side effects. Under this condition, Allopathic physician compelled to stop this medicine. As soon as it stops, the heart beat raises fast again more violent than before. Actually, digitalis in crude form only slows down the heart action temporarily. It does not increase the strength of heart muscles. As a result, the action of heart muscles is gradually failed, thus may causes regurgitation of blood and cardiac dropsy is developed.  In Homoeopathy Digitalis is used in potentized form so, it acts as a good cardiac tonic without much complication.

          The key symptoms of this medicine are slow, weak, irregular, intermittent pulse. Heart condition may associate with liver and urinary complaints. Liver become enlarged, sore and painful. Patient also feels empty on his stomach and desire to eat, but sight and smell of food may cause nausea, sometimes vomiting. Stools become, white and pasty due to liver disease. Along with great prostration from slight exertion is another character of this remedy.


*** Heart symptoms:

The pulse of Digitalis is slow, weak, irregular. In a healthy person pulse is on average 72 per minute, but in Digitalis pulse rate is reduce up to 50-55 per minute. Intermittent pulse, intermitting on every 3rd, 5th and 7th beat. As a result, the patient feels very much weak in heart, avoids to move. He thinks a little bit of movement stops his heart actions. Liver function is also hampered due to heart problems. Cardiac dropsy is developed when there is organic affection of heart.

          According to Dr. James Tyler Kent is one of the greatest Homoeopathic physician stated that misuse of Digitalis may bring death in spite of saving life. It greatly hampered the muscular actions of heart and conductive system of heart. His comment does not indicate the homoeopathic use of Digitalis but unfortunately. So, sometimes Homoeopathic physicians are get confused to use of this remedy.

*** Constitution of the patient:

Digitalis patients are look cyanotic. Skin become blue, cyanosis in eye-lids, lips, tongue and nails. This condition is developed due to disturbance of blood circulation in heart disease. Usually patients are chilly, sensitive to cold in general.

*** Gastro-intestinal symptoms:

 Digitalis patients are very much thirsty. Drinks a large quantity of water. There is feeling of emptiness and sinking sensation in stomach. This symptom also found in Sulphur but Sulphur patient feels well after eating. But, in Digitalis food does not relief this condition. This type of stomach sensation is not developed due to stomach upset but due to weakness of heart. Heart complication may affect the liver. Liver become, sore, enlarged and painful to touch. Indigestion may cause diarrhoea with passing of white pasty stools.

*** Urinary condition:

 Digitalis is useful for the treatment of enlarge prostate of aged people with heart complaints. Patient may suffer from frequency of micturition. Very little amount of urine is passed with frequent urging. Urine looks turbid. Burning in urethra while passing. Dropsy is developed due to suppressed urination.

*** Mind symptoms:

Great anxiety and apprehension. Patient is despondent and fearful. Digitalis have some abnormal sensation. Sensation as if heart would stand still if he moved, as if his brain were loose, brain is made up of glass, as if something were running out of urethra, as if weight attached with stomach, as if stomach would sink into the abdomen.

*** Sleep:

Digitalis patients is very restless in sleep. Frightful dreaming. Dreams as he falls from height. In fact, it is sinking of heart that results in the dreams of falling down. During sleep, patient become jolted and awakes from sleep due to weakness of heart.

*** Digitalis also cure cough and shortness of breath developed due to heart disease.

*** Modalities: Symptoms are aggravated in cold, least motion, at night, sleep, touch, pressure, anxiety, fear. Amelioration in empty stomach, after drinking.

*** Relationship: Antidoted by camphor. China is not compatible with Digitalis.

          Compare: with Aconite (in anxiety), Lycopus and Crataegus (in weak heart), Conium, phosphorus (genital symptoms), Sepia, Sulpur (in nausea), China, pulsatilla, sulphur (in liver affection).


___Amatul Zami Aditi

Student (final year B.H.M.S.)

Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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