Sepia officinalis is another Homoeopathic medicine prepared from blackish fluid contained in the abdomen of the cuttle fish usually found in the sea. Bone of the cuttle fish enriched with calcium carbonate; so, Dr. Hippocrates the father of medicine used this remedy in the disease of women and in dysmenorrhea. Dr. Galen used it as a stomach tonic and Marcellus recommends it for gravel and for the removal of freckles. This remedy is added in our Materia Medica pura by our Master Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann MD. After proving this remedy upon him and his fellow beings it found to be good for liver disorder, skin diseases, female genital disease and behavioral disorder. Sepia is quite different from others homoeopathic remedy in its constitutional characters. The female has shallow complexion, pale and earthy looking and having narrow pelvis which makes he...