China officinalis also known as cinchona officinalis; the first proved Homoeopathic remedy. It was proved in 1790 by Dr. Hahnemann while he translating Dr. Cullen’s Materia medica. Through proving this medicine, he found the clue of new system of treatment. China is the best remedy for intermittent fever. Also good for debilitating diseases. Cinchona officinalis By H. Zell - Own work, is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 , *** China is come on first stage of disease. The patient of China got debilitated due to continuous fluid loss, for example suffering from anemia, loose motion, breast feeding, excessive masturbation etc. The patient looks pale, pathetic & desponded. He was strong before but become weak & sick due to loss of vital fluid. *** It is a well & effective remedy for intermitt...