Arsenicum album or anhydride form of Arsenious acid has been known since the eighth century. In 14 th century this compound was used as medicine for the treatment of cattle disease, in 17 th century it was used for the treatment of malignant ulcer, but in some extent, it also used in skin disease. However, in Homoeopathic system of medicine, in potentized form it has great value in every system of disease. Arsenious acid is a highly poisonous substance. Ingestion of only 2 or 3 or 4 grains may cause death. But it has an interesting point, that if a person can swallow Arsenious acid taking in full stomach it may produce slight effect & immediate stomach wash may savings the life without gross effect. Arsenious acid has great affection over the digestive system, so in case of poisoning with this substance one may notice the digestive irritability (nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, thirst, anorexia, derange digestion etc.) then its chronologically effects are shown over the cardiovasc...