Nux vomica is a one of the common Homoeopathic remedy mostly useful for the disease of gastrointestinal tract. The Homoepathic medicine is prepared from its seeds. The seeds are deadly poisonous and very bitter is taste. The smallest fatal dose of Nux vomica in crude form is three grains. According to Stille, small dose of Nux vomica in crude form may derange the digestion, slows down the digestive activity, reduce digestive juice secretion, retention of urine and stool, excites uterine contraction, acts on musculature may causes formication, rigidity, stiffness & clonic spasm, contraction of respiratory muscles ultimately causing death. The chief center of action of Nux vomica over the reflex functions of spinal cord. Nux vomica has marvelous actions over the organs and system after potentization. Following symptoms must be remember to identify Nux vomica. · Nux vomica is only com...